The Filthy Few. A shot you don't always see. I recently finished Hell's Angel, if you haven't read it, I highly suggest you do so, even if you don't ride a motorcycle.

Sonny's knuckle. I love everything about this bike.

Like father, like son. Cool as shit, yeah, I said it, what, jealous?
The mighty TSL. Running shit.
I can't think of anything I need more.
Talk about need, holy shit, it's one size fits all, a woman's piece, kind of over the top, and way too fucking expensive, but still I COVET this. The only thing that would kind ease the pain would be to find a Grey Ant shoulder holster, but I cannot find one for the life of me, and I even called my friends over there just to make sure there weren't any dead stock sitting around with my name on it. After doing some Googling and snooping around on various sites I actually found a pic of this on Jen's blog, Gnarlitude, which I usually check up on, but I must have missed the entry with this joint. In any event, I have someone on the case trying to score one for me, translation = free, cause over a G for a women's purse/vest is a little pricey when I can get a nice leather Glock shoulder holster for about a buck fifty and scare people in the process.
Alexander Wang, you have me jonesing for your shit like my wife, and she has a vagina, go to hell.
File under "great idea!", and , "It's about time!" - silver glitter capsules to make shiny poop. Epic.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for these dudes. And while I am a mild mannered pussy from the suburbs of the valley, I totally dig on their whole trip. Long live the black biker set.
I can't even begin to tell you the horror story that has been the last few days of tire research and shopping. I'll spare you the details, as it's been like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm only not funny, but what I will tell you is that I'll be running this beautiful Firestone ANS Military 400/18 on the rear wheel. Love it
Actually, I'll be running the same tire on the front as well, albeit in a 400/19, and this is where the shit got annoying.
Fuck it, I'll bore you.
You see, the tire I WANTED TO RUN just so happens to be a very rare, discontinued, vintage tire that is only made in one place, and that place just so happens to be called France. Unfortunately I found this out AFTER I put down my credit card and ordered it from the geniuses whose website doesn't have the ability to tell you when something is out of stock, so imagine my surprise to find out after I'd bought my rear tire from another establishment (that doesn't suck), that my DREAM front tire was not only NOT available, but that it might take 6 weeks to 6 months to receive (as they have the mold and have to wait for the baguette bender to pour a new batch). Needless to say it would have been nice to know this before I ordered my rear tire from the store that doesn't suck so that I could have consolidated shipping costs, received both tires at the same time, and not gotten my hopes up like a pimple faced teenage boy with an erection at the prom.
Thanks Performance Plus Tires of Long Beach, keep up the good work!
Here she is, the one that got away.
PS- I'm still ordering it, Vivre La France!

Speaking of douchebags.
Hey, OLDPHAT of Michigan, If you have a "Buy It Now or Best Offer" button on your ebay auction yet will not accept anything less than what the "Buy It Now" price is, then you shouldn't have the "OR BEST OFFER" part listed. You are wasting your time, you are wasting my time, and you are now officially "That Guy".
Congratulations! Your mug and shirt are on the way.
In the end I did end up buying one of these beautiful little fuckers, although not from Old Fat.
I hope it makes a good paperweight, cause I don't think it's gonna fit on my pipes.

Another douchebag.