Far from a hybrid, not exactly practical, and still, I long for this automobile.
Behold....the 1970 Chrysler 300.
In my eyes, the ultimate Mopar.
I had it all worked out where I was going to buy the cleanest, most epic one you could ever have the pleasure of seeing, however, when the kind gentleman who owned the vehicle phoned his car-less friend he had loaned said car to, she informed him that she had SOLD IT.
If you think I was bummed, imagine how he felt.
I searched every Craigslist country-wide the week it was sold. Nada.
I suspect it's garaged somewhere while the lucky recipient/bastard laughs his/her ass off.
If you see it, hit me up. It's black with blue and orange pinstriping down the side...(and not a Hearst model as shown).
Besides being the aforementioned "Kind Gentleman" above, the man exuding classic 80's b-boy below is none other than Vincent "Prince Vince" Gallo as featured on the beyond rare and way-ahead-of-it's-time, "Graffiti Rock".
British steel.
Triumph Tiger 500.
If you don't know who the man below is, then you need to ask somebody, and if you do and think there's a cooler motherfucker around, you better apologize too.
And the luckiest guy in show business is.......
When people ask me about the hair metal days, I tell them I was deep in hip hop and lucky to have missed it.
So while you and your friends were suckin' on short cans of Club Brand mixed drinks hot boxing the Celica with Aqua Net and Mex weed, we were busy livin' that good shit.